
about babyMartyn

babyMartyn and the individuals who invented it

what is babyMartyn

'Developed in a collaborative effort with RCS, babyMartyn is a completely innovative pediatric cranial simulator for surgeons in training. Used to simulate all the basic operations in the pediatric population; each model can be used for up to 8 procedures.

The impetus behind the development of the babyMartyn model was the obvious lack of a pediatric simulator or cadaveric material for training pediatric neurosurgeons. The current babyMartyn model was developed based on a MRI scan of an 18 month old child with a posterior fossa tumor and hydrocephalus. The idea of developing the model was to make the structures and tissues and as lifelike as possible.' -- Mary Murphy FRCS (SN)

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meet the perfect specialists team

The inventors and researchers developing babyMartyn at the Royal College of Surgeons Pilot Course 2017

Clare RangeleySculptor and Medical Model Maker

Clare collaborated with Martyn to develop the skull and brain materials as well as research the manufacturing methods required to commercially produce the babyMartyn training model....Read more

ClaudiaCravenTraining Neurosurgeon

Claudia performed the validation and training efficacy study for the babyMartyn training model...Read more

Martyn CookeHead of the Conservation Unit, RCS

Martyn collaborated with Clare to develop the skull and brain materials, the adult head training model was invented first with Mary Murphy then the peadiatric model.Read more

Mary MurphyNeurosurgeon

Mary developed the babyMartyn to train neurosurgeons procedures on paediatric patients...Read more

(Not Pictured Here)Sam Alberti Director of Museums and Archives, RCS

Sam is Director of Museums at the Royal College of Surgeons, where the public collection is the Hunterian Museum.Read more

Training Surgeons

The babyMartyn allows practice on procedures that are difficult to train because of the lack of paediatric cadavers.

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Reduces Training Time

The aim is to reduce the length of neurosurgical training saving cost both to trainees and trainers.

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Improving Technique

The babyMartyn allows practise on a highly realistic training model that improves surgical confidence and skill.

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Any time, any where

Room temperature storage, non-hazardous & non-biohazardous materials means training can be flexible in time and location.

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Successful Training

Two diagrams show the surveyed realism of babyMartyn for key training characteristics and the improvement to surgical competance by training with babyMartyn.